About Us
It all started with Elliott.
My Dad drank an entire pot of coffee every day, so I was introduced to coffee at a young age. He owned and operated a stand on Maxwell Street, Chicago’s open-air outdoor market. Maxwell Street was only open on Sundays but it was open year round. At 10 years old I was the coffee gopher for all of the stand owners. I would take orders and walk a block to the food truck - yes they were around in the late 50’s! Now this was comfort food – hot steaming coffee with donuts or sweet rolls on a cold, frigid, and blustery Chicago morning.
After graduating college and finishing 2 years of law school I realized bringing coffee to people really was my passion. I started Coffee Unlimited in 1972. I spent mornings in a suit knocking on doors to solicit new business, made deliveries in the afternoons, and then went back to my small storefront I was renting to fix coffee brewers needed for the next day. 45 years later, our company still provides the same dedicated service to our valued clients.
We are passionate about coffee and making sure your team enjoys every cup.
Elliott Slutzky

Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility are important to us. Together we can support Veteran Roasters and NeverThirst, two programs we are fortunate to work with.